Megumi Murakami joined LPA Tokyo as a judicial scrivener. The entire LPA Tokyo team is delighted to welcome her! 

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Lionel Vincent, partner at Lefèvre Pelletier et Associés Gaikoku-ho jimu bengoshi hojin, as 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿 (Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur, CCE) for Japan.

This recognition is a testament to his unwavering commitment and invaluable expertise in international business. As a CCE, Lionel will play a key role in strengthening commercial ties between the business communities of France and Japan, fostering collaboration, and seeking new growth opportunities between the two countries .

The highlight of this “Asia” evening was a talk by David Baverez, investor and essayist, on the occasion of the publication of his book “Bienvenue en économie de guerre”.

Many thanks to David Baverez for honouring us with his presence and sharing his expertise on France-Asia relations.

We’ve learned that it’s vital to look to Asia, a dynamic region brimming with opportunities, even in a war economy.

Our teams look forward to seeing you in Asia to help you develop your projects!

Jing Huang joined LPA Tokyo as an associate lawyer (bengoshi). The entire LPA Tokyo team is delighted to welcome him!  


[Event] Lefèvre Pelletier et Associés Gaikoku-ho jimu bengoshi hojin had the honor of hosting a cocktail party at the headquarters of LPA-CGR avocats in Paris at the occasion of the 32nd meeting of the 𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗼-𝗝𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗶𝘀 on 24 November 2023.

For this unique event, LPA Tokyo collaborated with Antoine Poupel, a renowned French Photographer whose avant-garde artistic work, questioning the pictorial and chemical limits of photography, has made him known all over the world.

The celebration brought together over 50 esteemed guests, including members of the Club Franco-Japonais, clients, business partners, and long-standing friends. They all had the privilege of connecting and engaging in discussions related to the Franco-Japanese cooperation.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our distinguished guests for their presence, contributing to the success of this memorable event.



Lionel Vincent, Partner at Lefèvre Pelletier et Associés Gaikoku-ho jimu bengoshi hojin, had the privilege of participating in the 32nd meeting of the 𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗼-𝗝𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗶𝘀; the Club Franco-Japonais met with His Excellency Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic for a working session on 23 November at the Elysees Palace in Paris.

The Club Franco-Japonais, which brings together over forty leaders from major French and Japanese companies, is currently co-chaired by Mr. Atsushi Horiba for the Japanese delegation and Mr. Jacques Aschenbroich for the French delegation.

This annual meeting provided a unique opportunity to discuss high-level economic and commercial topics crucial to both parties and the Franco-Japanese partnership. These discussions encompassed economic situations, challenges, and perspectives, including the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement, Franco-Japanese cooperation in innovation (decarbonization, life sciences, EV, etc.), as well as issues related to increasing tensions between China and the US and other strategic international issues.

The Club serves as an exceptional platform for exchange among representatives of major economic players in the Franco-Japanese relationship.

Heartfelt appreciation for this invitation and the quality of exchanges and interventions among members!

LPA Tokyo had the pleasure to attend the G7 conference of Trade Ministers in Osaka last Saturday. Among the various discussions, the representatives of the G7 countries chamber of commerce held a side meeting on the development of foreign direct investments in the Kansai region. The event was organised by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and other organisations, and was attended by representatives from the G7 countries, including the USA and Germany, and the European Union’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan.

Mr Tetsuro Fukunaga, Director of the Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), opened the event with an address in which he touched on the Japanese Government’s target of increasing direct investment in Japan from overseas to 100 trillion yen, more than double the current level, and explained the measures being taken to attract investment and human resources from abroad.

Mr Hiroshi Ichisaka, Director of International Relations, Osaka Prefectural Government, then introduced Osaka’s attractiveness as an investment destination, including the current status of large-scale projects such as the Osaka-Kansai Expo, and the concentration of industries with growth potential, such as lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles, decarbonisation and life sciences. In response, each representative of G7 chamber of commerce made a statement before exchanging through a Q&A session.

The Kansai region is definitely an appealing destination for foreign investment (Osaka has a GDP of 379 billion USD i.e. same as Singapore) and we will continue our efforts to assist our clients investing in Osaka and Kyoto.

Pour plus d'information, veuillez cliquer ici (in Japanese). 


We had an exceptional time last week celebrating the 10th anniversary of our firm Lefèvre Pelletier et Associés Gaikoku-ho jimu bengoshi hojin at the French Residence in hashtagTokyo.

140 guests attended the reception, including His Excellency, Philippe Setton, French Ambassador of France to Japan, as well as members of parliament, the Chairman of the Tokyo Daini Bar Association, CEOs, artists, photographers, novelists, musicians not to mention our LPA stars, our partners from LPA-CGR avocats offices in Paris, Hong and Singapore !

A heartfelt thank you to His Excellency, Philippe Setton, for his support and to all of you for attending, thus making this event a success.

It’s time to look back on 10 successful and exciting years.

The unwavering support of our clients, coupled with the dedication of our team, has allowed us to establish the only Tokyo-based French international law firm. From a humble team of two partners back in 2013, we have doubled our partnership and significantly grown our team over the years, serving multinational corporations of all sizes in cross-border transactions. While our initial focus was on assisting clients in Mergers and Acquisitions and commercial contract, we have gradually expanded our practice covering now to Employment Law, IT Technology, Regulatory and Litigation. What a remarkable milestone!

With our extended range of practice areas and a committed team, Lefèvre Pelletier et Associés Gaikoku-ho jimu bengoshi hojin, together with LPA-CGR avocats offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore, is providing a unique legal coverage of the Eastern Asia region.

To our incredible clients, business partners and team – 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗞 𝗬𝗢𝗨 for being a part of our journey.

[Classement] Notre pratique M&A à l'étranger et nos avocats reconnus par le guide IFLR1000 Asia Pacific 2023

LPA Tokyo est récompensé en 2023 dans la pratique 𝐌&𝐀 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧, et Lionel Vincent, associé a été classé individuellement.

Merci à nos clients pour leur confiance renouvelée et bravo à notre équipe !

Pour plus d'information, veuillez cliquer ici


Moe Iehara a rejoint LPA Tokyo en tant que secrétaire juridique. Toute l'équipe de LPA Tokyo lui souhaite la bienvenue!  


A compter du 9 septembre 2022, le nom officiel de notre cabinet au Japon est "LPA Foreign Law Joint Enterprise". LPA-CGR possède 13 bureaux dans le monde et est le seul cabinet international français ayant une pratique bien établie couvrant tous les aspects du droit des affaires au Japon.

Mina Ishikawa interviendra lors du petit-déjeuner FAJ (Femmes Actives Japon) du jeudi 14 avril 2022 sur le thème "Signer un contrat de travail salarié : ce qu'il faut savoir". Nous passerons en revue les clauses obligatoires d’un contrat de travail salarié au Japon ainsi que les sujets essentiels de la relation de travail tels que le temps de travail, le lieu de travail, le salaire, les congés et la fin du contrat. N’hésitez pas à vous inscrire à partir du lien suivant : FAJ website.

Pascal Sohei Mages a animé la conférence organisée par le Comité fiscal et réglementaire de la Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie française au Japon le 7 avril dernier. Le thème de la conférence était "Entrée en vigueur au 1er avril 2022 de la réforme de la loi sur la protection des données personnelles Quel l’impact dans le monde des affaires ? – Le point de vue des professionnels de la publicité en ligne". Pascal a participé à une table ronde avec Yoshihiko Miyaichi (directeur représentant, PIER 1 KK) et Yukihiko Imamura (directeur représentant, Teads Japan KK). Pour plus d'informations, veuillez cliquer ici.

Pascal Sohei Mages a été coopté en tant qu'associé de LPA Tokyo à compter du 1er avril.

Kosuke Oie a rejoint LPA Tokyo en tant qu'associé (bengoshi). Toute l'équipe de LPA Tokyo lui souhaite le bienvenu!